共為你找到:8筆infinity speakers 相關企業資訊
※服務信念※ Information(資訊) + Ideas(點子) + Innovation(創新) + Intelligence(機智) + Infinity(無限寬廣) + Inspiration(靈感激盪) 創造新的行銷語言、文化是我們的共同目標: 如果廣告為大眾帶來多元、創意與美,那正是我們 ─ 僾枷正在做的。 僾枷音譯自IPLUS,是指超越e化的思維, 無論是客戶服務或人才培訓,秉持對創新、美感和服務品質的堅持, 我們對每個專案與日常細節皆保持嚴謹態度與大膽開創的精神, 並高度倚賴團隊合作默契,期盼培育出全方位的優秀人才, 除了致力於專業的養成,同時IQ(智力商數)、EQ(情感商數)及PQ(潛能商數)也能發展到位。 離開校園,學習的內涵須要持續且有更多元的激盪, 基於對行銷的熱愛,我們歡迎有共同理想和熱情的人加入僾枷團隊。 自視富創新精神和喜愛挑戰新事物的你,歡迎成為我們的夥伴! ※核心價值※ ‧以提供優質策略和創意為榮‧優秀人才是公司的最大資產‧堅持卓越的服務精神和態度
UU (H.K.) International Corp., Ltd. 公司簡介 About Us: Inherited the experience of over 20 years in the RD of audio technology, we have successfully developed a series of high quality audio products like 5.1 Home Theater, Hi-Fi, USB Multimedia and coaxial clarion audio etc.. UU International Corporation Ltd. was setup on 2004 to exhibit our outstanding achievement in the audio technology. To achieve the perfect sound and quality, we have made the thorough testing for all the different parts in our speaker products. Based on the success in the audio technology, in 2009, we would like to introduce a series of consumer electronics products like Wi-Fi Internet Radio, DAB Radio, Bicycle Audio Player, USB Speakers and Digital Clock Radio to show our RD achievement in the radio technology to all of our customers together with the superior sound quality. We are awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditations. From the RD to the manufacture process, we have tightly controlled the quality to make sure that our customers are having the best products. To keep abreast of the latest trend of the consumer electronics, we endeavor to launch the innovative electronics products to our customers. For more details, please visit our website: www. uanduhk.com.
“墨子親士”謂之『墨士』。 『良弓難張,然可以及高入深;良馬難乘,然可以任重致遠;良才難令,然可以致君見尊』,人才是企業發展的根本… 墨士廣告是在夾縫中成立,三年來歷經了市場的衝擊,執行力、創造力依然讓我們存在。 精緻化的產品包裝是公司成立的初衷,源源不斷的創意是不被淘汰的藍海目標,因此,我們要一顆能夠被烘培的腦袋,滾燙出許多可能…。 代銷業會使人嚴重失眠、食無知味,但也會讓你『海納百川』。 『墨士超越墨士』Grand Infinity
寶鐶實業有限公司為一電腦零組件出口廠商,主要產品為computer case, power supply, multimedia speakers and other computer component.請參考網站 www.frontier.com.tw 在大陸設有工廠.每年業績穩定成長,為因應業務擴充,發展網路及系統整合相關產品,歡迎有理 想,積極,有抱負之人才加入本公司之行列。.本公司提供優厚之薪資條件 及寬闊之成長空間.
新中美(STC)貿易為台灣影像界商品的老字號公司,以相館設備及週邊耗材為主要進口項目,早期以日本三菱MITSUBISHI相紙,新加坡富士CHEM2000藥水,日本諾日士NORITSU相片沖洗機為主要商品;自從數位化時代來臨,STC逐漸引進及經銷數位影像及大圖輸出相關產品,代理法國CANSON INFINITY博物館等級噴墨藝術紙、Paper by Nature認證英國牛津OXFROD筆記本、法國Caldera大圖輸出RIP軟體,義大利FOTOBA自動捲對捲裁切機,經銷日本三菱MITSUBISHI噴墨紙、EPSON印表機、CANON印表機;持續在影像界代理相關優質的產品。
格蘭英語於1980年創立於現敦南總校大樓,為台灣學習英語風氣之啟蒙。除了成人及兒童英文課程,更因為優質教學口碑,受許多知名企業青睞,而成立了外事教學部 ( GRAM English Services) 及展業部、加盟部。    GRAM was established in 1980, beginning with its Dun-Nan school in downtown Taipei. Today, as one of the leading language learning institutes in Taiwan, GRAM currently operates more than 200 school locations, with over 1000 employees and tens of thousands of students, including children from age 5 to top executives in a variety of business corporations. For the past 29 years, GRAM has also operated its own Franchise Department, GRAM Childrens Service Department, and GRAM English Services – popular with many domestic business corporations – to ensure the quality of our English learning programs.   因為格蘭兒童金色教學計畫,口碑深受消費者認同肯定,應家長需求,於1999年成立了派普爾美式幼兒學校,提供5~6歲幼兒全天候美語環境,並與 ICRT合作出版『格蘭英語雜誌』,使英文學習更多元化,並切合生活實際需要。因此格蘭不但提供兒童美語、成人美語,更致力於幼兒美語教學。    格蘭英語在這塊土地邁向第29個年頭之際,靠著優良嚴謹的教學口碑,在全台灣各點成立了無數的分校,培育出無數的國際菁英。   Because GRAMs Modern Childrens Program has been highly popular among parents, we have also established the Piper American School, providing a whole-day English program for children aged 5 and 6. Additionally, GRAM has cooperated with ICRT, the islands only English radio station, to publish GRAM Digest and to provide an overall more diverse learning environment for its students. Drawing upon its many years of experience, its excellent teachers and its diligent students, GRAM is making its best effort to conduct and promote the governments “English for All” policy.    As GRAM approaches its 29th year in Taiwan, we are proud of our quality English programs which have helped many of the islands students become excellent English-speakers.
本公司以創立,誠懇、細心、誠信、負責與堅持為仲介業扮演客戶間的橋樑,也為仲介人員開創共享、共利之工作環境。 本公司設有租賃部、開發部、房仲部,專營不動產買賣租賃,所有交易透明化。 我們擁有穩定的日籍房客,然而房客的招租標準均為日商來台人士、商社駐台代表、赴台高階主管、來台勘查專務、想進駐中山等正職人士,房客品質當然是沒話說。 本公司為了避免房東與房客之間溝通不良,凡是在租賃期間內,全程免費做房東與房客之間溝通的橋樑,一通電話鴻瑞馬上就為你服務與處理。 「鴻瑞不動產」業主託售或租免受限,可同時自行買賣或招租!隨時得終止委託,不需賠償任何費用,讓你賣的安心、租的放心! About us Welcome to Home Real Estate! Home Real Estate focuses on Rental Business for foreigners and Residential Sale and Buy for natives. Based on professional, enthusiasm, patience, reliability, and conscientious principle, Home Real Estate plays the communicator of real estate business for national and international clients. Home Real Estate possesses stable amount of Japanese clients and we are aimed at Japanese businessmen and Japanese company’s representatives to supply rental service. Now we also increase our services to English speakers. Our major purpose is to be a good translator between national lessors and foreign lessees. We will do our best to satisfy your needs and give high quality and professional service to your demands. Home Real Estate operates the main business at Nong-an St,. Zhongshan District, No longer future, we are going to extend our branch stores in Songshan District and Hsin-Yi District. Also, we are welcome everyone who is interested in real estate to join us. We are looking forward to serve you. Don’t hesitate; just call us (02-2585-6798.)
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